Welcome to Addis Ababa Bible College!

We believe God has called you to attend ABC to equip you to better serve him, his kingdom, and the people of Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, and the world. We are committed to helping you become a mature disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, dependent on the Holy Spirit, and skilled in your ministry gifting’s in order to have an increased impact on this country and to bring glory to God

ABC is a learning and serving environment, which consists of a pleasant campus, gifted faculty, strong academic programs, and a vibrant student body. But ABC is much more. It is a dynamic, spiritual environment which will impact your values, behavior, and ministry for the rest of your life. Training extends beyond the classroom and the library. It includes daily chapels, prayer meetings, dormitory life, and cafeteria fellowship that will contribute to the transformation of your spiritual life. God has sent you to ABC to grow in your relationship with him, in your understanding of his word and his voice, and in your skills for ministry. The guiding principles for living at ABC are godliness, servanthood, growth, and excellence. Those who follow Jesus must become more like him in word, deed, and attitude. You are expected to be a servant in your relationships with your fellow students, the faculty, and the staff. You should be committed to continuous growth in your relationship with God, your knowledge of His word, and your ministry to people. And because you are called by God, you must pursue excellence in everything you do.

Core Values

  • Live by biblical standards.
  • Love and respect for others.
  • Pursue excellence and integrity.
  • Demonstrate honesty and impartiality.
  • Work together for collective success.
  • Exhibit dependence on the Holy Spirit.


ABC trains men and women to become disciples of Jesus Christ, serve God and the local church, and reach the unreached of Ethiopia, Africa, and the world as people of the Spirit and people of the Book.



We envision qualified and equipped ABC graduates contributing to an increasingly redeemed and transformed Ethiopia through the establishing and strengthening of local churches among every people group in the country and through expressions of compassion that are sustainable, create independence, and enhance the capacity of people to live for God and serve others.



  • To train men and women as servant leaders to serve God, the church, Ethiopia, Africa, and the world through a thorough knowledge of Scripture and a daily reliance on the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.
  • To provide opportunities for students to live out the lessons taught in the classroom and chapel.
  • To develop an environment where people love and serve each other.
  • To employ qualified people who seek excellence and strive to be life-long learners.
  • To function as an indigenous training ministry with leadership, vision, curriculum, and funding generated from within Ethiopia.


  • By graduating biblically literate and Holy Spirit empowered students who serve the local churches of Ethiopia as pastors, teachers, missionaries, evangelists, prophets, and administrators.
  • By developing and annually evaluating the curriculum so that it supports and fulfills the mission of the College.
  • By functioning as a research institution addressing contextual, theological issues.
  • By engaging in evangelism, church planting, and missions.
  • By maintaining intercollegiate relationships with other Bible colleges and seminaries both in Ethiopia and throughout Africa, especially other Assemblies of God affiliated schools.